Biochemistry is the study of the chemical processes occurring at the molecular level within living organisms, from the interaction of small molecule medications with giant macrobiomolecules such as protein complexes to the cascading dynamics of regulatory signalling molecules within and between cells.
All chemical reactions that occur within an organism, such as the breakdown of substances to provide energy or the synthesis of complex molecules required for life functions, are referred to as metabolism. These chemical changes depend on the action of organic catalysts known as enzymes, which in turn depend on the genetic system of the cell for their existence. Therefore, it is not surprising that biochemistry is used to the study of chemical changes in disease, drug action, and other aspects of medicine, as well as in nutrition, genetics, and agriculture.
Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids are the four fundamental biomolecules, and they regularly combine to form polymers and repeating units with additional functional qualities that define living systems.
Biophysics is the branch of science that applies the principles of physics and chemistry, as well as mathematical analysis and computer modelling, to biological systems with the ultimate goal of comprehending the structure, dynamics, interactions, and ultimately the function of biological systems on a fundamental level. The objective of biophysics is to explain biological function in terms of the physical properties of particular molecules. These molecules range in size from tiny fatty acids and sugars (1 nm = 10–9 m) to macromolecules such as proteins (5–10 nm), starches (>1000 nm), and the massively elongated DNA molecules (over 10,000,000 nm = 1 cm long and barely 20 nm wide). These basic components of living beings assemble into cells, tissues, and entire organisms by producing separate structures with dimensions of at least 10, 100, 1000, and 10,000 nanometers. Thus, proteins assemble into the casein micelles of milk, which aggregate to form cheese curd; proteins and ribonucleic acids assemble into ribosomes, the machinery for protein synthesis; lipids and proteins assemble into cell membranes, the external barriers and internal surfaces of cells; and proteins and DNA assemble into chromosomes, the carriers of the genetic code.
Biophysicists work to create strategies for curing disease, eradicating world hunger, producing renewable energy sources, designing cutting-edge technology, and solve countless scientific mysteries. In conclusion, biophysicists are at the forefront of solving both age-old human problems as well as problems of the future.
What Do Biophysicists Do?
Data Analysis and Structure: The DNA sequences of thousands of human and other organisms can now be read. The study of such massive datasets also requires the use of biophysical methods.
Computer Modelling: Biophysicists utilise computer modelling to observe and modify the shapes and structures of proteins, viruses, and other complex molecules, which is essential for developing new drug targets or understanding how proteins mutate and create tumours.
Molecules in Motion: Biophysicists investigate how hormones flow throughout the cell and how cells communicate. Using fluorescent tags, biophysicists have been able to make cells glow like fireflies under a microscope and study the complex internal transit system of the cell.
Bioengineering, Nanotechnologies, Biomaterials: Biophysics has also been essential for comprehending biomechanics and utilising this knowledge to the building of better prosthetic limbs and nanomaterials for improved drug delivery.
Imaging: Biophysicists invented MRIs, CT scans, and PET scans. Biophysics is vital to the development of safer, faster, and more precise medical imaging equipment to better understand the body.
Medical Applications: Biophysics has proven crucial to the invention of numerous life-saving therapies and equipment, such as dialysis, radiation therapy, cardiac defibrillators, pacemakers, and artificial heart valves.
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